Setting Up Telegram Notifications Get domain alerts sent directly to your Telegram account. Due to Telegram's security requirements, you must initiate contact with our bot before we can send you notifications. Here's how to set it up:
Step 1: Connect Your Account Go to your Notifications Dashboard Find the Telegram section and click "Connect" Copy the connection command that appears Open Telegram and start a chat with @YourNextDomainBot Paste and send the connection command to the bot Pro Tip: Pin our bot's chat to keep domain alerts easily accessible! Managing Your Connection You can manage your Telegram connection in the following ways:
View your connection status in the notification settings Delete your connection to stop receiving notifications Reconnect at any time by following the setup steps again Important: Do not share your connection command with others. It contains a unique identifier linked to your account. Troubleshooting Make sure you've started a chat with our bot Verify you're using the correct connection command Check that the bot hasn't been blocked or muted Try deleting and recreating your connection if issues persist