Integrate domain alerts directly into your application using webhooks. We support both GET and POST methods.
For POST requests, you'll receive a JSON payload:
"domain": "",
"price": 1000,
"currency": "USD",
"bids": 5,
"expires_at_utc": "2024-03-20T15:04:05Z",
"listing_url": "",
"message": "The listing for ends in about 2 hours. Bids: 5, Price: $1000..."
For GET requests, these fields are sent as URL query parameters.
All webhook requests include a signature header X-Webhook-Signature
. You should verify this signature to ensure the request came from us.
JavaScript example to verify the signature:
const crypto = require('crypto');
async function handleWebhook(req, res) {
const signature = req.headers['x-webhook-signature'];
const secret = process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET; // Get secret from environment variable
// For POST requests
const payload = JSON.stringify(req.body);
// For GET requests
// const payload = req.url.split('?')[1];
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret);
const calculatedSignature = hmac.digest('hex');
if (signature !== calculatedSignature) {
return res.status(401).send('Invalid signature');
// Process the webhook...
Security Tips
To get a new webhook secret: